对宫颈原位癌(CIS)的治疗可行子宫全切、治疗性锥切、冷冻治疗或 CO_2激光治疗。对早期浸润癌(早浸癌、IA 期)的治疗方式也因人而异,通常采用子宫全切,不清扫淋巴。放射治疗可用于因医学原因禁忌手术的早浸癌或原位癌。自1959~1986年单纯放射治疗的宫颈癌1212例,其中21例CIS,34例早浸癌。除2例早浸癌为腺癌外,其余皆为鳞癌。
The treatment of cervical carcinoma in situ (CIS) feasible hysterectomy, therapeutic conization, cryotherapy or CO_2 laser treatment. The treatment of early invasive cancer (early-stage cancer, stage IA) also varies from person to person, usually using uterine total incision, not clear the lymph. Radiation therapy can be used for early-stage cancer or carcinoma in situ contracted for medical reasons. From 1959 to 1986, 1212 cases of cervical cancer were treated by radiotherapy alone, including 21 cases of CIS and 34 cases of early-stage carcinoma. In addition to 2 cases of early-invasive carcinoma of the adenocarcinoma, the rest are squamous cell carcinoma.