【摘 要】
Traditional optical domes are spherical, which have a large air resistance coefficient. In order to reduce the coefficient of air resistance, conformal optical technology was proposed, which used a streamlined design of the outer surface of the dome. Howe
【机 构】
【出 处】
Traditional optical domes are spherical, which have a large air resistance coefficient. In order to reduce the coefficient of air resistance, conformal optical technology was proposed, which used a streamlined design of the outer surface of the dome. However, conformal domes generate dynamic aberrations varying significantly with look angles in the field of regard (FOR). Thus, correcting the dynamic aberrations is the core task of conformal optics. This Letter presented a correcting method of dynamic aberrations based on the diffraction surface and anamorphic asphere surface. This method is derived from the arch corrector and can only be used on the Roll-Nod gimbal. For the seeker with a Roll-Nod gimbal, the arch corrector is replaced with a diffractive surface superimposed on the inner surface of the conformal dome. To correct astigmatism, which is the main aberration that needs to be corrected, anamorphic asphere surfaces are used in the imaging system. Compared with the arch corrector, this method can reduce the size of the correction element while retaining sufficient design freedom. Design results show that this method can well correct the dynamic aberrations in a larger FOR. With a simpler form in structure, this method can improve the reliability of conformal optical systems and promote the application of conformal optical technology.
从某高功率固体激光装置的实际需求出发, 优化设计了能够满足装置需求的组合透镜组, 并基于公差分析给出了各组组合透镜加工装配的公差要求, 为组合透镜在高功率固体激光装置中的工程应用提供了有力的支持。组合透镜在高功率固体激光装置中的应用对降低装置工程造价和提高光路的稳定性有较大意义。
为进一步提高掺铥双包层光纤(DCF)激光器的输出功率,从提高DCF对泵浦光的吸收效率出发,数值模拟了具有不同纤芯直径和内包层形状的DCF的泵浦吸收特性。模拟结果表明,对于具有不同纤芯直径的新型内包层DCF,随着反射次数的增加,其泵浦吸收效率趋于100%;对于具有不同内包层形状的DCF,新型内包层DCF的泵浦吸收效率最高。实验中,选择正六边形内包层和新型内包层掺铥DCF为工作物质,两种掺铥DCF激光器的输出功率分别为13.2 W和14.8 W,斜率效率分别为31%和35%。新型内包层掺铥DCF激光器的输出功
将成像激光雷达这一新型主动大气探测手段运用于水平大气透过率测量研究。采用矩阵图像错位相加法提高信噪比。获取随距离变化的信号之后, 通过Klett积分结合斜率法的反演方式获得1 km以内水平传输路径上的消光系数分布, 对消光系数进行路径积分, 计算出水平大气透过率。将反演结果与对比实验中直接测量的大气透过率进行对比分析, 发现不同天气情况下两者的相关性系数在0.7以上, 相对误差在20%以内。该成像激光雷达设备可进行有限距离的水平大气透过率探测研究。