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大浦东这艘满载着全上海乃至全中国人民期望的大船开始正式起锚了。这艘大船的稳定运行需要有清晰的行政管理体制、灵活而有弹性的产业管理体制、以市场化为基础的产业发展机制、以社会和谐为原则的利益分享机制作保证,才能在征程中运行得更加平稳。 The ship of Grand Pudong, loaded with the hopes of all Shanghai and even all the Chinese people, has officially started to anchor. The stable operation of this large ship requires a clear administrative management system, a flexible and flexible industrial management system, a market-based industrial development mechanism and a guarantee mechanism based on the principle of social harmony as the principle of benefit sharing so as to be able to operate on the journey To be more stable.
介绍了水力阀的常见类型、部件材料、结构形式、设计标准以及应用原理,分析了水力阀的气蚀与闪蒸问题。 The common types of hydraulic valves, materials of components,