浙贝母为百合科植物浙贝母Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.或东贝母F.thunbergii Miq.var.chekiangensis Hsiao et K.C.Hsia的干燥鳞茎,具清热化痰,开郁散结的功能。其产地加工,1995年版《中国药典》收载“粉吸”和“生切片”两种方法,1994年版《浙江省中药炮制规范》增收“硫黄薰制”法。现笔者试从外观质量、内在有效成分含量及对疗效的影响三方面进行比较,以便选出最佳方法。 1 产地加工方法 粉吸法 采挖洗净后大小分档,分别撞除去外皮,拌以煅贝壳粉或石灰粉,吸收擦出的浆汁,再干燥。简称“粉吸”法。硫黄薰制法 采挖洗净后大小分档,干燥,用硫黄薰,简称为“硫黄薰制”法。生切片法 采挖洗净后趁鲜切片,干燥,简称“生切片”法。 2 质量比较 2.1 外观质量 单纯从外观色泽看,以“硫黄薰制”品的洁白最好,“粉吸”品稍晦暗,“生切片”外皮皱缩且色暗,后两者色泽不好。
T. Fritillaria is a dried bulb of the lily family Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. or F. thunbergii Miq.var.chekiangensis Hsiao et K.C. Hsia. Its origin processing, 1995 version of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” contains “powder suction” and “raw slice” two methods, 1994 version of “Zhejiang Province, Chinese medicine processing specifications” increase income “sulfur yellow system” method. Now the author tries to compare the appearance quality, the content of the intrinsic active ingredient and the effect on the curative effect in order to select the best method. 1 Method of Origin Processing Method Powder suction method After washing and digging, the size is divided into bins, and the skins are respectively hit and removed, mixed with calcined shell powder or lime powder, absorbed by the pulp juice, and then dried. Abbreviation “powder suction” method. Sulphur Yellow Dyeing Method After digging and washing the size of the sub-files, dry, with sulfur yellow smoke, referred to as “sulfur yellow smoke” method. Fresh slice method After digging and washing, fresh slices are cut and dried, which is referred to as “raw slice” method. 2 Quality Comparison 2.1 Appearance Quality Purely from the appearance of color, the “sulfur-enriched” product of the best white, “powder” product is slightly dark, “raw slice” skin shrinkage and dark, the latter two color is not good.