198 3年 6月 ,Kalanchoe杂交品种Pollux的叶片和叶腋受害。露湿漆斑菌还侵染火鹤花 ,幼嫩植株最敏感。控制措施包括良好的通风条件、较低的栽培温度及保持地上部份干燥。若有必要进行叶面喷射也只能在早上进行。不应使用纯泥炭基质 ,因为其高含水率使植株周围产
198 June June, Kalanchoe Hybrid Pollux leaves and leaf axils affected. Dew wet mycobacteria also infected anthurium, the most sensitive young plants. Control measures include good ventilation, lower cultivation temperature and keeping the ground dry. If necessary, foliar spray can only be carried out in the morning. Pure peat matrices should not be used because of their high water content to produce around the plant