盘状雪灵芝又名团状福禄草、团状雪灵芝、金发藓状蚤缀,为石竹科无心菜属多年生垫状草本,呈半球形,枝上枯叶密集,几乎成为坚硬的实体。叶片钻形,覆瓦状排列,花单生枝端,花瓣5,白色。蒴果,种子黑褐色。花期6月~7月,果期8月~9月。产云南、青海、四川及西藏等地。生于海拔3500m~4600 m的高山草地、倒石堆和碎石带。本种花小,洁白繁密,株形极为奇特,远观极似附着苔藓的石头,具有较高的观赏价值。由于生长在高山之上,耐寒,不耐热,目前还没有引种作为园林观赏植物应用,有条件的地方可尝试引种植于高寒地区或在高寒温室种植。
Snowy ganoderma, also known as a group of snowy fungus, Ganoderma Lucidum group, Blonde moss-like fleas decorated as Corallidaceae Centipede perennial cushion-shaped herb, hemispherical, branches dense leaves, almost become a hard entity. Leaves subulate, imbricate arrangement, flowers solitary branches, petals 5, white. Capsule, seeds dark brown. Flowering from June to July, the fruit of August to September. Production in Yunnan, Qinghai, Sichuan and Tibet. Born from an altitude of 3500m ~ 4600m alpine meadows, inverted stone piles and gravel. This flower is small, white and dense, very strange plant shape, fantastic view of moss attached to the stone, with a high ornamental value. As the growth in the mountains above, cold, heat-resistant, there is no introduction as a garden ornamental applications, conditional place to try to introduce or planted in alpine areas in the alpine greenhouse cultivation.