
来源 :中国科学(B辑 化学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:InsideCSharp
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在怀特池中用原位FTIR考察了COS在紫外光辐照下的氧化反应以及大气气溶胶典型氧化物 SiO2, Al2O3和 Fe2O3对反应的影响, 并使用 GC-MS 和 XPS 等技术确证了反应的气相和固相产物组成. 结果表明, 紫外光照下 COS + O2体系的光氧化反应产物为 SO2和 CO2, 其中 SO2可进一步氧化形成 SO4 ; COS 的紫外光氧化反应遵循一级反应动力学规律, 表观速率常数约为 9.30 2?×10?4 s?1; 大气气溶胶典型氧化物SiO2和Al2O3对光氧化反应有明显促进作用, Fe2O3则对反应进程无明显影响, 不同氧化物存在条件下反应速率顺序为: UV + SiO2 > UV + Al2O3 > UV, UV +Fe2O3; 氧化物对 COS 光氧化反应的这种促进作用, 有助于认识大气气溶胶对大气中 COS 光氧化反应的贡献. In-situ FTIR was used to investigate the oxidation of COS under UV irradiation and the effects of the typical aerosols SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 on the reaction in the White cell. GC-MS and XPS were used to confirm the reaction Gas phase and solid phase.The results showed that the products of photooxidation of COS + O2 system under UV irradiation were SO2 and CO2, in which SO2 could be further oxidized to form SO4. The UV oxidation reaction of COS followed the first order reaction kinetics, View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source View the MathML source The order of the accelerations is: UV + SiO2> UV + Al2O3> UV, UV + Fe2O3; The promotion effect of oxide on the photooxidation of COS helps to know the contribution of atmospheric aerosol to the photooxidation of COS in the atmosphere.
□来电实录:  绝望主妇 33岁  我和老公的矛盾源自对社会角色的不同看法。我早就知道老公有些大男子主义,他那时还在事业起步期,就经常说:“以后我一定让你做全职太太,每天美容打牌遛狗健身,家务都交给保姆做。只有没本事的男人才让老婆工作!”我当时听了只是笑笑,觉得这并不是我的梦想,而是他的。后来,他生意越做越大,我妈劝我:“世界是男人的,你在家安心带孩子,让他去外面打天下吧!”我犹豫了许久才辞了职。