Some people are talking about “cultivating excellent successors for communism”; they are also advocating “love education” and “maternal love” as a guiding principle for children’s education. They say “Children need not only the teacher’s love but also motherhood. “To ask our teachers to ”like a hard gardener“, ”to bring warm sunshine to our seedlings, and sweet rain showers“ and to maintain a permanent ”innocence“ and to love ”innocence“ with ”innocence“, and many more. This cannot but make people wonder if “Education of Love” can “bring up outstanding successors for communism”? To find the right answer to this problem, we must first analyze the “education of love” in the end. What kind of stuff is it? Let’s look at Rousseau (AD 1712-1778) in the 18th century. He exclaimed ”Love Education.“ What to say ”To expand love and love others, it becomes moral, and this