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在我国,一年之中与岁时有关的节日非常多,而中秋节即是其中人们最喜欢的节日之一,也是最富有诗意的节日。每年农历八月十五日是传统的中秋佳节,这是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。八月十五的月亮比其他几个月的满月更圆,更明亮,所以又叫做“月夕”“八月节”。此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月,自然会期盼家人团聚。远在他乡的游子,也借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。所以,中秋又称“团圆节”。 In our country, there are many festivals related to the age in the year. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most popular festivals and the most poetic festival. August 15 each year is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, which is mid-fall of a year, it is called Mid-Autumn Festival. In the Chinese lunar calendar, one year is divided into four seasons, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji, and Mid-Autumn Festival is also called Zhongqiu. The moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon of the other months, so it is also called “Lunar New Year” and “August Day.” On this night, people look to the sky like a moon like a bright moon, and will naturally expect their families to reunite. Far away from hometown wandering, but also to rely on their sustenance of their hometown and loved ones. Therefore, Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as “reunion”.
<正>“国际地球之友”(Frierlds of the Earth International, FOE International)成立于1971年,最初是由法国、瑞典、英格兰和美国的4个机构合并组成的。 1981年,国际地球之