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“越中山水奇丽剡为最,剡中山水奇丽金庭洞天为最。”唐代诗人裴通的这句话道出了古越之地金庭的山水之美。嵊州市金庭镇,距市区东25公里。这里四面环山,千岩竞秀,万壑争流。东面香炉峰拔地而起.如青龙出水。西面卓剑峰山势蜿蜒.似白虎伏地。南有五老峰,北是瀑布山放鹤峰。溪水环绕,淙淙不息。当然,再美丽的水山如果缺少名人雅士的游历传诉也总是会少一丝灵气多一分寂寞,如今让金庭声名远播的不仅是它的山水之美. “The more beautiful landscapes, the most beautiful mountain, Langzhong Zhongshan Shili Jindian cave is the most.” "Tang Dynasty poet Pei Tong’s words out of the ancient court of beauty of landscape court. Shengzhen Jin court town, 25 kilometers east of the urban area. Here surrounded by mountains, thousands of rock competing show, all the rage. The east incense burner rises and rises, such as dragon water. West Zhuo Jianfeng mountain meandering. Like white tiger volts. There are five Lao Feng south, north is the waterfall Mount Hefeng. Surrounded by streams, endless roar. Of course, the beauty of the water mountains, if the lack of travel celebrity Asias will always be less a trace of aura more loneliness, and now let King Court not only the beauty of its landscape.