野河钓鲫是广大钓友常碰到的事,方法运用的是否得当,对钓获量影响极大。一般说,野河钓鲫要掌握: 一、三个字(细、小、灵) 1.钓鲫的线要细。线细隐蔽性好,鲫鱼不易发现,容易上钩。我使用的是强力线0.15~0.20毫米。 2.钓鲫的钩要小。在野河钓鲫,有时偶然也能钓到几条200克以上的大鲫鱼,但大多数是50克以下的小鲫鱼,因此鱼钩最好选用不大于伊势尼3~4号钩为
Yehe crucian carp fishing is often encountered by the majority of friends, methods used properly, a great impact on the catch. In general, wild river fishing crucian carp to be mastered: one or three words (fine, small, spiritual) 1 fishing crucian carp line to be fine. Line fine concealment, carp difficult to find, easy to hook. I use the strong line 0.15 ~ 0.20 mm. 2 fishing crucian carp to be small. In the wild river fishing crucian carp, and occasionally can catch a few more than 200 grams of large crucian carp, but most are below 50 grams of small crucian carp, so the best selection of hooks is not more than Iseh 3 ~ 4 hook