今年是《为人民服务》发表60周年。日前,笔者采访了毛泽东原警卫战士、张思德的战友朱旭明。86岁的朱旭明说:“我和张思德在一起工作近三年。60年过去了,他的音容笑貌仍时常在我的脑中出现。” 1942年,朱旭明调到毛主席警卫班。一个身材中等偏高、脸色发红的战士接过他的背包,操着浓重的四川口音亲切地说,欢迎你到毛主席身边工作,让我
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of “Serving the People.” Recently, I interviewed former Mao Zedong guard soldiers, Zhang Side comrade Zhu Xuming. 86-year-old Zhu Xuming said: “I worked with Zhang Side for nearly three years .60 years later, his voice and appearance often appear in my mind.” "In 1942, Zhu Xuming transferred to Chairman Mao’s security class. A medium tall, red-faced soldier took over his backpack, speaking a thick Sichuan accent affectionately, I welcome you to work around Chairman Mao, let me