How to enlarge English vocabulary in English study

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   It is widely accepted that mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of second language acquisition and one can not learn a language without vocabulary. Second in china the teaching and learning of English vocabulary does not lead to the expected result, and both teachers and learners feel discouraged. More and more teachers and educators have realized that for vocabulary learning it is far from enough to completely rely on teachers’ instruction in class, and students also should share their responsibilities.
  Key words: vocabulary; enlarge; memory; vocabulary learning;
  1 Introduction
   It is widely accepted that mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of second language acquisition and one can not learn a language without vocabulary. However, in china the teaching and learning of English vocabulary does not lead to the expected results, and both teachers and learners feel discouraged. For teachers they put a lot of time in vocabulary teaching but with low outcomes .For learners they feel that many of their difficulties in receptive and productive English use result from an inadequacy of vocabulary .“Without phonetics and communicate a little information; without vocabulary, you can do nothing ’’.
  2 Prerequisite for enlarging vocabulary
   In the course of language, a teacher often discovers some word, dictate to them in the last lesson. As a consequence, the teacher blames them for their lack of hard work. The students feel wronged, saying that they have learnt the new word by heart, but they often fail to recall it, somehow. Meanwhile, students often complain their “poor memory’’. How to avoid the common phenomenon in English learning? What we need is a good memory. As you know, no one is born a talent of good memory. As Parcel Karl, French mathematician, put it, “Memory is essential of all mental work’’.
  2.1 The attitude toward time
   If you really want to learn English, you have to make the best use of your time. After all, opportunity knocks but once. Some students have realized the importance of learning English even worked out a learning plane. However, they always regret they lost much time on other matters the day before. They always think there are so many to do this day----too much homework, friends’ visit, or low spirits etc. In a word, they can not find time to study. They often say “leave it for tomorrow’’. However, will you surely be more relaxing “tomorrow” than “today”, or maybe you will be busier “tomorrow” than “today”. As Franklin put it, “the worth of today is as twice as tomorrow.” Moreover, as a Chinese student, you have not a real language environment to learn English. So each day you have to spend part of your time on it. Never “go fishing for three days and dry the next for two” as a Chinese saying goes. Even though it is difficult you have to preserve with it. After months of hard work, your perseverance will finally be reward.
  2.2 Getting enough rest
   It is necessary to alternate learning with rest. During the break, students may take a walk on the campus, have a chat with each other, hum a tune etc. after class, they may play games, sing a song, dance to music, have some musical instrument practice. This is called active rest. It not only builds you up, but rests your brain and develops your specialty. On the other hand, sleep is the most important rest. It is said that an adult needs at least seven – to eight—hour sleep a day. If one often stays up for learning or amusements, he must feel fatigue and weak, out of sorts, emotional imbalance, falling immunity or even disease. In a word, a good rest males your brain renew its normal function, keep you health as well. “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”, as a saying goes.
  3 The technique of memorizing vocabulary
  3.1 Alphabetic writing
   Since the pronunciation of most English words is regular, to memorize a word according to its pronunciation has a sound effect. Never try to remember a word letter by letter. For the word “hotel”, for instance, some students just repeat “hotel” again and again, unable to pronounce [hotel] correctly. In such a way to learn English, maybe they would pass some English examination, but cannot really master the language nevertheless.
  3.2 Never use Chinese notation
   Some students, especially beginners, prefer to make full use of shortcut. i.e. they tend to remember the word “morning” by means of “mo nin (摸您)”,goodbye means of “guo dong bei (果凍杯)”,pen by means of “pen(盆)” and so on. In this way, they are not able to make good process in English despite their diligence.
  4 Conclusion
   For an English learner, one of the difficulties is how to remember the learned vocabularies. By concluding the reasons of such thing, this article mainly, introduces the problems the learners should pay attention to and the means and ways they had better use in order to encourage the learners and enlarge their vocabularies.
  Henricksen. B. 1999, Three dimensions on vocabulary development, studies in second language acquisition
  Wilkins. 2001. English coaching paper
名师是指名望高的教师、师傅。目前大多指教育领域公认的有重大贡献和影响的学者、教师。我在本文中所说的“名师”其实可以分为多种:第一种名师是依靠精神传承、为社会做出重大贡献的如孔子、孟子、叶圣陶、陶行知……我们可以称之为教育家;第二种是江南江北的执教过几节优质课打拼或包装出来的名师;还有一种是一些教育机构从众多德才兼备的教师中评选出来的榜样型名师。后两种名师是当今最多的。  《小学语文教师》2011年
《语文课程标准》明确指出:“语文课程应指导学生正确地理解和运用语言。”理解和运用其实质是一个不可分割的整体,理解中强化运用,运用中提升理解,就这样螺旋上升,循序渐进,使语文有章可循,有规可依。可见,正确引导学生运用教材,把教材的语言内化为自己的语言,是敲开习作之门的关键。  一.精彩片段,仿一仿。   叶圣陶先生说过:“语文教材无非是个例子,凭着这个例子要使学生能够举一反三,练习阅读和作文的熟
普通高中《语文课程标准》明确要求我们:“高中语文教学应在继续提高学生观察、感受、分析、判断能力的同时,重点关注学生思考问题的深度和广度,使学生增强探究意识和兴趣,学习探究的方法,使语文学习的过程成为积极主动探索未知领域的过程。”那么,在教学中,怎样有效地引导学生进行自主探究,从而培养其探究能力呢?下面谈谈笔者在教学中的一些体会。   一、善于激发学生自主探究的热情  素质教育虽然推行了许多年,但当
从事高中数学教学十余载,经历了教材改革几多次.以前几次的改革可以说变化不大,每次都能轻松应对,然而,新一轮的高中课程改革不仅教学内容有了很多突破,教学理念可谓是发生了翻天覆地的变化,在这三年的教学里,我同我们备课组其他同仁为探究新课程的教材教法倾注了满腔的热情,付出了艰辛的劳动.现在就把我在这几年里积累的几点粗浅的教学体会拿出来与大家共同探讨。  一、要多思教材  新教材有不少的知识,其理论性,概
【关键词】教学模式;建构主义;学习    问题解决教学,概括地说,是教师指导学生将先前已获得的知识用于新的不熟悉的知识的过程。具体地说,是在特定的问题情境下,师生共同经历发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的全过程,让学生在教师的帮助和指导下通过亲身实践获得情感体验和实践经验,从而更加深刻地了解知识产生和获得的全过程。传统教学“重结果轻过程”,而现代教学论要求学生不仅要掌握科学认识的成果,更重要
文化服务中心的本职工作,就是要紧紧围绕新时期国家对办好乡镇综合文化服务中心必须明确目标,重点抓好以下几个方面工作。  一、要搞好图书借阅、报纸杂志阅览。  由于现在的乡镇文化服务中心有图书馆的工作任务,图书借阅和报纸杂志阅览就成为文化服务中心的一项经常性的必不可少的重要工作。   要搞好图书借阅,报纸杂志阅览,每个文化服务中心首先必须有阅览室、有一定数量的图书、报纸、杂志。就目前来看,主要的问题是
【摘要】建筑的美如同水彩画艺术中韵味的美,也是水彩画艺术审美价值的基础,其独特风貌来源于它的水韵、色韵、笔韵、纸韵以及趣味之韵等。首先自己画画要有感情,要先把自己感动,然后要有个性,要有自己的特色,要精益求精,只要还有瑕疵就要修改,出发点要朴实,不能太功利。  【关键词】色彩和结构;独特的表现性;本质特征;艺术品位    【Abstract】the beauty of architecture i
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