For the first time, the WTO has interpreted and applied the GATT Article 3.8 (a) exception of government procurement, which defines the subject, method, government purpose and non-commercial purpose of government procurement and the cumulative relationship between them. Based on the interpretation of Article 3.8 (a) of the GATT, the conditions governing the successful invocation of Article 17.2 GATT State-owned Trading Enterprise Exceptions can be drawn from the interpretation of Article 3.8 (a) of the GATT. The interpretation of Article 3.8 (a) of the GATT may apply to the interpretation of the GATS Article 13.1 Governing Government Procurement Exceptions and GPA (Rev. 2014) Article 2.2 (a) Procurement Requirements. Government procurement measures consistent with Article 8.5 (a) of the GATT, Article 17.2 of the GATT, or Article 13.1 of the GATS that are not subject to GATT and GATS non-discrimination obligations may be subject to non-discrimination under Articles 4.1 and 4.2 of the GPA (as amended in 2014) The principle of sexual constraints.