1978—1979年间我们对东宁县境内的大、小绥芬河及绥芬河上下游各段分别进行了调查,调查资料表明绥芬河流域是肺吸虫病流行区。本文仅就人群感染情况的调查结果做一整理。有关中间宿主、动物宿主、临床资料等将另文报导。调查方法一、居民感染率及感染方式的调查 (一)填写调查表、讯问病史。 (二)肺吸虫抗原皮内试验:用我教研组自制的1:2000的肺吸虫抗原,于前臂内侧作4mm直径的皮丘,结果按我省制定的“肺吸虫抗原皮内试验判定标准”判定。 (三)实验室诊断:凡皮试阳性者,均耳垂采血做嗜酸粒细胞分类计数,部份病例还做了痰与粪便的检查。
From 1978 to 1979, we conducted surveys on the upper and lower reaches of Suining and the upper and lower reaches of Suifenhe in Dongning County. According to the survey data, the Suifenhe Valley is the endemic area of paragonimiasis. This article only on the results of the investigation of the population to do a survey. Intermediates, animal hosts, clinical data and others will be reported separately. Survey methods First, the residents infection rate and infection investigation (A) fill out the questionnaire, medical history. (B) Paragonimus antigen intradermal test: My teaching research group made 1: 2000 paragonimiasis antigen, medial forearm for 4mm diameter of the mound, the results of our province to develop a “paragonimiasis antigen intradermal test to determine the standard” decision . (C) laboratory diagnosis: Where skin test positive, all lobular blood eosinophils do blood count, some cases also did sputum and stool examination.