4月25日,“五矿.观山”杯2015年万柳高尔夫会员迎春赛,在京西万柳高尔夫球场隆重举行,大赛邀请了百余位爱好高尔夫球的球友共同挥杆,在果岭场上一显身手。比赛于当天正午1 1点准时开杆,由五矿置业代表以及特邀嘉宾执行开球仪式,参赛选手随即开始比赛,比赛过程中好球不断,喝彩络绎不绝。本次高尔夫球迎春赛活动诣在为“五矿.观山”企业家客户提供专属服务,让企业家的生意与生活得到完美的释放,同时也通过比赛构建“五矿.观
April 25, ”Minmetals. Mountain“ Cup 2015 Wanliu Golf Members Spring Festival, held in Beijing Wanliu Golf Course, the contest invited a hundred golfers golfers swing together in the Green field play an active skill. The match was kicked off at 11 noon on the same day. A tee-off ceremony was held by the representatives of the Minmetals estate and specially invited guests. The contestants started the match immediately. During the match, the team continued to enjoy good shots and cheered in an endless stream. The golf Yingchun race activities in the ”Minmetals. Mountain“ entrepreneurs provide exclusive services to entrepreneurs entrepreneurship and life to be the perfect release, but also through competition to build ”Minmetals."