1940年6月,三十一岁的作曲家奥里维·梅西安被俘。在战俘营里,梅西安结识了小提琴演奏家简·李·包勒瑞(Jean Le Boulaire),单簧管演奏家亨利·艾科卡(Henri Akoka)和大提琴演奏家埃蒂恩·帕斯昆尔(Etienne Pasquier)——著名的帕斯昆尔三重奏成员。由于不可思议的机遇,前二人竟能一直随身带着他们的乐器,而第三者得到了一把大提琴。梅西安为这三位艺术家创作了一首短曲,他们在卫生间为他作了演奏,这就是《末日四重奏》创作的起点,即现在的第四乐章(间奏曲)。不久,由于《圣·约翰启示录》的启发,激起了梅西安要把它发展成为八个乐章的不朽作品,并且于1941年1月初全部完成。除用了上述
In June 1940, 31-year-old composer Olivier Messian was captured. In the POW camp, Messian became acquainted with violinist Jean Le Boulaire, clarinetist Henri Akoka and cellist Etienne Pascual Etienne Pasquier - A member of the famous Pasquel trio. Due to the incredible opportunities, the first two could have been carrying their instruments with them all the time, while the third had a cello. Messian created a short song for the three artists who played for him in the bathroom, which is the starting point for the creation of the Doomsday Quartet, the fourth movement (interlude). Soon, inspired by the book of Revelation of St. John, Lionel Messi was inspired to develop it into an immortal work of eight movements and completed in early January 1941. In addition to the above