具有独特个人风格的大写意花鸟 文化部中国画学会副会长兼秘书长孙克

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谢天赐先生大写意花鸟画给大家一个新的气象,他是广东画家中杰出的一位。按道理说,咱们的岭南派地域特点已经大大地突破了,已经把我们现代的花鸟画的精神融汇在里面了。当然我们也看到现在的几位广东画家,包括尚涛、谢天赐都画得很雄厚,很独特,传统的东西表现得很到位,在艺术造型上、在物象的表现上,真是达到了似与不似之间,非常有特点。过去说岭南派实际上是指的一种比较开放的状态,其中吸取了日本画的特点,吸取了一些西方的艺术特点。当然日本画也是从西方传过去的,我们后来把它拿过来,其中一些画还是很精彩的,笔墨非常之好,是注重造型的。现在岭南派已经成为历史上一个著名的画 Mr. Xie Tianci freehand flower and bird painting for everyone a new atmosphere, he is an outstanding painter in Guangdong. Logically speaking, the geographical features of our Lingnan school have greatly exceeded the spirit of our modern flower-and-bird painting. Of course, we also see that some of the present Cantonese painters, including Shang Tao and Xie Tian-ci, are both very rich in painting and very unique. The performance of traditional things is well-placed. In terms of artistic expression, And not like, very unique. In the past, the Lingnan School actually meant a relatively open state, which drew on the characteristics of Japanese paintings and drew on some Western artistic features. Of course, Japanese painting is also passed from the West, and we later took it, some of which are still very exciting, very good ink, is focused on the shape. Lingnan School has become a famous painting in history
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马丁:小交响协奏曲七件管乐器、打击乐与弦乐队的协奏曲 瑞士作曲家马丁(FrankMartin,1890~1947)喜欢将传统与现代结合起来,譬如他常将12音序列的方法与调式因素结合,或将古