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宁夏固原博物馆座落于固原市区西城133号,是固原悠久历史文化的浓缩和储存灿烂文物的载体。它成立于1983年,是集文化收藏、宣传教何、科学研究于一体的综合性省级博物馆。文物藏品1万多件,囊括了上起新石器时代,下迄近现代人类历史发展各个阶段宁夏南部出土的绝人多数文物不和部分传世文物及现代革命文物。库存国家一级文物123件(组),其中国家级文物3件。藏品中以新石器时代、春秋战国时期、北魏、 Ningxia Guyuan Museum is located in Guyuan City, No. 133 Xicheng, Guyuan a long history of cultural enrichment and storage of brilliant cultural relics. It was founded in 1983, is a collection of cultural collections, publicity and teaching, scientific research in one of the comprehensive provincial museum. Over 10,000 pieces of cultural relics were collected, covering most Neolithic artifacts from the Neolithic Age and the vast majority of cultural relics unearthed in southern Ningxia from the recent stages of the development of human history to some relics and modern revolutionary relics. There are 123 pieces of cultural relics at the national level, including 3 pieces of state-level cultural relics. In the collections of the Neolithic Age, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Northern Wei Dynasty,
宝宝发烧,是儿科门诊中的常见症状。“孩子一发烧,很多家长就会紧张、不知所措,老担心发烧会烧坏小宝宝的大脑。”三亚市人民医院新生儿科主任林毅表示,不少家长遇到孩子发烧,都急着喂退烧药、打针退烧等,力求达到立竿见影的退烧效果,其实,这种做法是不太科学的。   “普通的发烧通常不会损伤孩子的大脑,相反,如果采用过激的方式来退烧,反而不利于孩子的健康。”  “过捂热”出汗退热   正确做法 当孩子发烧
文章以图书馆工作的特点为切入点,探讨了图书馆员职业准入制度的一些相关问题。 Taking the characteristics of library work as an entry point, the article discusses s
The great deal of novel rare earth based semiconducting lanthanum barium copper oxide La_3Ba_3Cu_6O_(14)(LBC-336) were synthesized by low temperature molten sal
小儿三个月以后,有易激惹、睡眠不安、夜惊、多汗、枕秃等说明已有佝偻病。其真正原因是缺乏维生素D,缺钙只是表现。 Pediatric three months later, irritability, restles
A n-type small molecule DC-IDT2 F, with 4,4,9,9-tetrakis(4-hexylphenyl)-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b]dithiophene as a central building block, furan as π-bridges, and 1