2006年9月5日,美国品尼高(Pinnacle Systems,Inc.)公司北京代表处和北京怡生飞扬科技发展有限公司联合在北京宣布,面对中国市场推出三款全新数字音频产品,这三款产品分别是面对大众的“播客工厂”播客制作套装以及面对专业音乐人和音响发烧友的“无限25”无线键盘和EX66数字监听音箱。
On September 5, 2006, the Pinnacle Systems, Inc. Beijing Representative Office and Beijing Yisheng Feiyang Technology Development Co., Ltd. jointly announced in Beijing that they will launch three new digital audio products in the Chinese market. These three The models are the Podcast Factory podcasting suite for the general public and the Unlimited 25 wireless keyboard and EX66 digital monitor speakers for professional musicians and audiophiles, respectively.