40名激光工作人员防护情况的调查报告芦宗正,王翠风,崔灵(湖北省财贸医院皮肤科,武汉,430014)激光在医疗上已广泛应用,但其防护问题至今尚未引起足够的重视。1976~1980年由激光对眼或对皮肤造成的损伤事故已有近百例报告 ̄[1]。最近,我科对武...
Investigation on Protection of 40 Laser Workers LU Zongzheng, WANG Cuifeng, CUI Ling (Department of Dermatology, Hubei Finance and Trade Hospital, Wuhan 430014, China) Laser has been widely used in medical treatment. However, its protection has not yet received sufficient attention. Nearly one hundred cases of injuries caused by laser on the eye or on the skin between 1976 and 1980 have been reported [1]. Recently, our department confrontation ...