The crime of persecution is a specific crime in crimes against humanity. After World War II, it entered the field of international law. The trial of the international community against German war criminals in Germany and Japan is a landmark event in which crimes of persecution have become crimes of international law. Since then, after more than half a century of evolution, especially after the trial of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the definition of criminals and the composition of crimes have become increasingly sophisticated. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and its criminal elements Formulated when the basic formulation. The objective element of the persecution of sin is that the perpetrator seriously violated the fundamental rights of a group or a collective (one or more persons) in violation of the provisions of international law; the subjective elements were intentional and required the perpetrator to have a discriminatory intent. In order to safeguard China’s judicial sovereignty, it is necessary to include persecution crimes in Chinese criminal law.