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王闿运写的《湘军志》与王定安写的《湘军记》同是记述湘军的史书,但由于撰者的态度有别,出书后受到的待遇也根本不同:王闿运受到当事者的恶毒攻击,《湘军志》遭到毁版的厄运;而王定安和《湘军记》则受到当事人的优礼待遇和吹捧。然而,史书的价值要由历史来评判,百年以来,二者受到的后人评说,和当时当事者就完全两样了。太平天国及捻军起义失败后,湘军统帅曾国藩自以为功在自己创办的湘军,故此打算修一部湘军史志,自表功烈。然而,志书议而未编,他就死去了。光绪初年,其子曾纪泽依照他的遗愿,把修志任务交给了晚清著名学者王闿运。王闿运自1877年至1881年撰成《湘军志》。可是,当曾国荃等与湘军有关者看到初版的《湘军志》时,皆大为震怒,其中尤以曾国荃、郭嵩焘反对最力。曾国荃“几欲得此老而甘心”,。郭嵩焘攻击《湘军志》是“诬谤之书”,追索其版 The Hunan Military Records written by Wang Zhiyun and the Hunan Military Records written by Wang Ding’an contain the same historical records as the Hunan military records. However, due to the different attitudes of the writers, the treatment they received was also fundamentally different: Wang Wanyun was viciously attacked by the parties , “Hunan Army Chi” was destroyed version of doom; and Wang Ding’an and “Hunan Army” by the parties are subject to courtesy and touted. However, the value of history books should be judged by history. For centuries, the commentaries on both books were entirely different from those who were then. After the failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Nien Army uprising, the commander of the Hunan Army Zeng Guofan, who had fought his own strength and wanted to repair it, planned to fix a history of the Hunan Army Shih Chi on his own meritorious deeds. However, when the book was not edited, he died. In the early years of Emperor Guangxu, his son Zeng Ji-Ze had handed over the task of cultivating Chi to Wang Yunyun, a famous scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. Wang Yun from 1877 to 1881 authored “Hunan army.” However, when Zeng Guochuan and other Hunan-related parties saw the first edition of the “Hunan Army Zhi”, they were greatly enraged. Among them, Zeng Guoquan and Guo Songtao opposed the most efforts. Zeng Guoquan “a few want to get old and willing”,. Guo Songtao attack “Hunan army” is “a book of accusation,” chase its version
1 2010年秋季种麦形势分析2009~2010年度阜平县小麦播种面积2.7万卣,由于受特殊极端天气条件的影响,本年度小麦苗情是近年来最差的一年,个体弱、群体小、死苗死蘖现象普遍发生,导致