Suspended particulate mercury associated with tidal fluxes in a lagoon environment impacted by cinna

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoxuslx
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The Isonzo River has been demonstrated to be a continuing point source of mercury (Hg) in the Gulf of Trieste although the Idrija mine was last active in 1996.The present study aims to investigate the role of the suspended particulate matter (SPM) associated with tidal fluxes to disperse particulate Hg (PHg) into the Grado coastal lagoon system.PHg concentrations (avg.3.11 ± 2.62 μg/g,d.w.),notwithstanding the ebb or flood tides,were significantly higher than the local sediment background (0.13 μg/g).The relative affinity of Hg for the particulate phase in surface waters was confirmed by higher average distribution coefficient (Kd) values (5.6-6.7).PHg contents showed the highest values in ebb tide conditions,thus suggesting their origin from the erosion of tidal fiats and saltmarshes of the lagoon.When compared to river discharge,high Prig surface concentrations in flood tide are related to rainfall events occurring within the river basin.Results can be used to make an indicative assessment of the amount of Hg bound to SPM which is transported in and out of the lagoon basin following the action of tidal fluxes.A simple estimation provides a negative budget for the Grado lagoon sub-basin which loses between 0.14 and 1.16 kg of PHg during a tidal semi-cycle.This conclusion is in agreement with the evidence of morphological deterioration which has emerged from recent studies on the lagoon environment,and which testifies to a current sedimentary loss from the lagoon into the north Adriatic Sea.
01 第一章宏观经济环境分析rn初步核算,2019年一季度国内生产总值213433亿元,按可比价格计算,同比增长6.4%,与2018年四季度相比持平,比2018年同期和全年分别回落0.4%和0.2%.分产