2005年2月24日德国能源局电网研究最终报告“2020年德国陆上和近海风能的电网整合规划”公诸于众。在这份报告中,德国能源局设想德国风电装机容量到2015年达到陆上装机26.2 GW,近海装机9.8 GW。这样设想的前提是假设有非常积极的政治经济气候。如果这样的条件不存在,可再生能源占总发电量20%的时间可能要比预计的2015年推迟若干年。此外,发展风电需要对已有电网进行升级和扩建,对电网可靠性和已有的常规电厂都会造成影响,文章对此进行分析。
February 24, 2005 The final report of the German Bureau of Energy Grid’s power grid research “Grid Integration Plan for German Wind Power Offshore and Offshore by 2020” was made public. In this report, the German Energy Agency envisages Germany’s installed capacity of wind power to reach 26.2 GW onshore and 9.8 GW offshore by 2015. The premise of such a scenario is assuming a very positive political and economic climate. If such conditions do not exist, renewable energy may take up to 20% of the total power generation for a period of several years later than projected in 2015. In addition, the development of wind power need to upgrade and expand the existing power grid, power grid reliability and existing conventional power plants will have an impact, the article analyzes.