近年来,棉铃虫猖撅危害,造成了具大的经济损失。群众“恐虫”,谈虫色变。实践证明,防治方法得当,科学合理地使农药是完全可以控制棉铃虫的危害,并取得较好的经济效益。下面将防治棉铃虫的几个新方法介绍给大家: 一、改种高梁诱集保护行。以往提倡棉田中种植玉米诱集带,试验表明:高梁诱集法效果更好。其做法是:在棉田四周种高梁3~5行,行距25厘米,株距15厘米。高梁株体高大,长条叶缘和秆体有锋利的毛刺,形成天然屏障,当蛾向棉田迁飞时,经过这道屏障多数要被杀伤,降低了棉铃虫的田间基数,玉米诱集带不具备这点。此外,5、6月份棉蚜开始在
In recent years, cotton bollworm rampant harm, resulting in a large economic loss. The masses of “insect”, worms discoloration. Practice has proved that proper prevention and treatment methods, scientific and rational pesticide is completely control the harm of cotton bollworm, and achieved good economic returns. The following will be the prevention and treatment of cotton bollworm several new methods introduced to everyone: First, replanting sorghum trapping protection line. In the past to promote the cultivation of corn in cotton fields, the experiment showed that: sorghum trapping method better. The practice is: in the cotton fields around sorghum 3 to 5 lines, spacing 25 cm, spacing 15 cm. Sorghum strains are tall, and there are sharp burrs on the edges of leaves and stalks, forming a natural barrier. When the moths migrate to the cotton fields, most of the barriers will be killed and reduce the field base of cotton bollworm. Do not have this. In addition, cotton aphids started in May and June