纳撒尼尔·霍桑是美国十九世纪著名的浪漫主义作家.他一生致力于对人性的探索、挖掘与展示.他的创作思想是清教思想意识、超验主义哲学和神秘主义影响的结合.这种结合以及他所处的特定的文学历史时期决定了他在艺术描写中必然会超越具体的客观事物,深入幽渺莫测、难以名状、无法理清的内心世界,从而采用一种象征的、模糊的表现手法.他的著名短篇小说《小伙子古德蒙·布朗》(Young Goodman Brown,以下简称《布朗》)就是这样一篇将深刻的主题思想与巧妙的表现手法结合在一起的佳作.这篇佳作以梦幻般的森林之旅向我们展现了霍桑对人类罪恶本性和人类成长经历的哲学阐释.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, a famous romantic writer in the United States in the 19th century, devoted his life to the exploration, excavation and exhibition of human nature.His creative thinking is influenced by Puritan ideology, transcendentalism philosophy and mysticism This combination and his particular literary history determine that he will inevitably transcend specific objective things in his art description and penetrate deep into the inner world which is unpredictable, , His famous short story, “Young Goodman Brown” (Brown), is a masterpiece of combining profound theme ideas with ingenious techniques of expression This masterpiece presents us with a philosophical interpretation of Hawthorne ’s nature of human sin and humankind’ s growth through a fantastic journey through the woods.