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在当今中国,如果要选出三位“学者明星化”的代表人物,恐怕非余秋雨、易中天、于丹莫属了。三位明星中,余秋雨是开山祖师,易中天承上启下,于丹乃后起之秀。“学术明星”们似乎已形成梯队,不愁后继乏人了。为了行文方便,我且以易氏为主,兼及余、于二氏,来谈谈“学者明星化”与“学术浅薄化”的问题。我知道“易中天”这个名字,并非从他登 In today's China, if you want to elect three “scholarly stars” representatives, I am afraid that Yu Yuqiu, Yi Zhongtian, Yuntaimo belongs to it. Among the three celebrities, Yu Qiuyu is a founder of the mountains, and Yi Zhongtian is a successor to Yuandan. “Academic Stars ” seem to have formed echelon, worry about the lack of follow-up. In order to facilitate the writing, I and Yi-based, and more than I, in two, to talk about “scholar-star” and “academic thin” problem. I know “Yi Zhongtian ” the name, not from him