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2008年奥运会对于中国来说,是一个推广国家形象、城市形象的良好契机;对于广大企业,则是推广企业形象和产品形象的难得平台。自2001年中国申奥成功开始,国内众多企业便开始谋划奥运营销传播策略,而随着08奥运的渐渐逼近,不管是奥运赞助企业抑或是非赞助企业,都开始了紧锣密鼓的奥运营销传播行动。奥运营销传播的价值到底如何?搭乘奥运“飞船”到底能给中国的企业带来什么?该如何冷静的面对奥运营销?其知名度的提高是否真如国外某机构所测算的——1亿美元投入到赞助奥运,平均品牌知名度提高了3%,比投入到普通广告获得的知名度提高(1%)高出两个百分点1;消费者的购买兴趣是否真如IOC和SRI在1985年至1996年间的跨国研究调查所显示的——搭上五环标志的商品,能引起平均63%受试者的购买兴趣2。据悉尼奥运会的有关调查,92%的奥运赞助商表示奥运赞助显著提升了公司的形象,78%的赞助商承认奥运赞助有利于增加公司销售。除了知名度和销量,奥运营销传播还将给企业带来什么?奥运赞助企业与非赞助企业又将如何通过奥运理念来进行营销传播活动?在传播活动过程中遇到了哪些陷阱与困惑?困惑该如何面对与摆脱? 2008 Olympic Games for China, is a good opportunity to promote the national image, the city’s image; for the majority of enterprises, it is a rare platform to promote corporate image and product image. Since the successful bid for the Olympic Games in China in 2001, many domestic enterprises have begun to plan strategies for the Olympic marketing communications. With the gradual approach of the 08 Olympic Games, both Olympic-sponsored enterprises and non-sponsored enterprises started intense Olympic marketing and communication activities. What is the value of the Olympic marketing communication? What can Olympic Games “spacecraft” take to the Chinese enterprises in the end? How to calmly deal with the Olympic marketing? Does its popularity increase as estimated by a foreign institution - To sponsor the Olympics, the average brand awareness increased by 3%, two percentage points higher than the increase in popularity (1%) invested in ordinary advertising; 1) Are consumers’ buying interest really as high as the IOC and SRI transnationals between 1985 and 1996 The findings from the research survey - which caught the rings logo - aroused an average of 63% of respondents’ buying interest2. According to the relevant survey of the Sydney Olympics, 92% of Olympic sponsors said the Olympic sponsorship significantly improved the company’s image, and 78% of sponsors acknowledged that the Olympic sponsorship will help increase the sales of the company. In addition to the popularity and sales volume, what will the Olympics marketing communication bring to the enterprises? How will the Olympic sponsors and non-sponsors carry out the marketing communication activities through the Olympic ideas? What are the pitfalls and puzzles encountered in the communication activities? What are the confusion? Face and get rid of?
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
Since the LGM, the maximum extent of ice sheet in the last glaciation, there existed a series of large amplitude climate events, such as the Heinrich, Younger Dryas and 8200 a cooling event, interbedd
我院于1997年3月,为适应病儿医疗、保健需求增长等多种需要,在门诊实施三级分诊制。通过2年实践,收到了良好的效果,现简要介绍如下。1 组织形式及人员编配11 在原门诊预诊处的基础上,通
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目的 测定小儿抗痫胶囊中主要有效成分 α-细辛醚在大鼠体内的血药浓度 ,并根据血药浓度 -时间配对资料测算其体内药代动力学参数。方法 采用 HPL C测定 ig给药 1.2 5 ,2 .