,Controlling acoustic wave with cylindrically-symmetric gradient-index system

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s8583527
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We present a detailed theoretical description of wave propagation in an acoustic gradient-index system with cylindrical symmetry and demonstrate its potential numerically to control acoustic waves in different ways. The trajectory of acoustic wave within the system is derived by employing the theory of geometric acoustics, and the validity of the theoretical descriptions is verified numerically by using the finite element method simulation. The results show that by tailoring the distribution function of refractive index, the proposed system can yield tunable manipulation on acoustic waves, such as acoustic bending, trapping, and absorbing.
说实话,身为一个南方人,应该更喜欢吃米饭才对,但我“特立独行”,对面食情有独钟。每天的早饭,基本上是一碗兰州拉面加一个荷包蛋。  可在那极其平常的一天,在我几乎每天都吃的兰州拉面中,我品出了不一样的滋味。  一天清晨,我像往常一样,走進了拉面馆。“老板,来一碗大碗牛肉拉面,加个蛋!”“好嘞!”老板应了一声,随后便把早已发好的亮白的面团放在了案板上,准备大干一场。从来没有仔细观察过老板拉面的我,今天
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