打个包 赚点钱 又开始赚钱的王志东

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1988年,一台个人电脑的利润可以达到一万元,而到了1998年,这一数字则跌至十元钱。十年的时间使这个行业的利润下降了一千倍,但十年前赚到了那份暴利的人我们现在都称之为先驱了,他们共同的特点就是具有前瞻性。也正是从他们开始,所有搞信息技术的人士就都在追逐着这种前瞻的意识。十年前的高利润可能只有在软件行业能够达到了。而从软件行业的结构来看,作为最底层的操作系统,在Windows、UNIX和Linux三分天下的情况下。已很难产生变数,也就是说除非你能把那三国给灭了,不然想都别去想在操作系统里赚钱。第二是位于操作系统上的数据库软件,在SYBASE、Oracle、L和SQL、Server等公司的合围。形势也很难发生非常大的变化;于是最能有所作为的最可能发现“前瞻意识”发生在数据库软件层之上的应用软件层上。而近期出现的协同软件则为软件提供了一个良好的平台。为协同软件打下良好基础的是多年的信息化建设。各行业中的大部分企业已建立了很多自己的系统,另一方面,来自Gartner研究机构的报告表明:一家不具备协作性质的公司,只能对仅仅20%的企业资源进行真正的优化与管理。而另外80%的有用资源则分别残留在电子邮件里、桌面上、内发的文件中、从网络下载的各种页面上,以及由企业应用程序生成的可读报告里。而中? In 1988, the profits of a personal computer can reach 10,000 yuan, but by 1998, this figure fell to 10 yuan. Ten years have brought a thousandfold drop in profit to the industry, but the people who made that huge profit a decade ago, which we now call pioneers, all share the same foresight. It is also from them, all those who engage in information technology are chasing this forward-looking awareness. Ten years ago, high profits may only be achieved in the software industry. The software industry from the point of view, as the bottom of the operating system, Windows, UNIX and Linux one-third of the world. It has been very difficult to produce variables, which means that unless you can put those three countries off, or do not want to think about making money in the operating system. The second is located in the operating system on the database software, SYBASE, Oracle, L and SQL, Server and other companies around. The situation is also very difficult to change very much; so the best you can do is most likely to find that “foresight” occurs at the application software layer above the database software layer. The recent emergence of collaborative software provides a good platform for the software. To build a good foundation for collaborative software is the information construction for many years. Most companies in all industries have built their own systems. On the other hand, a report from Gartner Research Institute shows that a non-cooperative company can only really optimize and manage only 20% of the enterprise’s resources . While another 80% of useful resources are left in emails, on desktops, in-house files, on various pages downloaded from the web, and in human readable reports generated by enterprise applications. And in?
电子商务与知识管理是现在的两大 热门话题,而且也确实引起企业界、学术界的重视。二者的一个共同特点是,它们都受到了以信息产业、咨询业、教育培训业等为代表的典型的知识型
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The preparation of Ni oxide films and their capacitive mechanism are discussed in this paper. Nickel oxide film electrodes perform pseudocapacitance in aqueous