With the development of mobile Internet and cloud computing technology, the problem of information security has become increasingly prominent.In order to improve the security of audio signal transmission, this paper proposes a hyperchaotic digital voice encryption algorithm suitable for mobile communications.In the cryptographic algorithm, firstly , A 16-bit audio signal is compressed and encoded into an 8-bit binary sequence using the G.711A law standard.Then, a pseudorandom sequence generator is designed based on Folded-towel discrete hyperchaos mapping.This hyperchaotic system has two positive Lyapunov exponents , Which is hyperchaotic, which can generate more complex key sequences.In the encryption process, in order to improve the ability of the algorithm to resist differential attacks, a non-linear interleaved XOR operation for binary sequences is designed, Frames of audio signals collected as a group, combined with ciphertext interleaving and interleaved XOR operation applied two alternative encryption, and the last group of the group spread to the next ciphertext, so as to achieve the ciphertext diffusion between groups. After that, the algorithm is applied to the Android platform and an IP secret calling software is developed.Experimental results and performance analysis show that this algorithm has the advantages of fast encryption, high security, large Key space key sensitivity and strong, and can withstand statistics, differential and exhaustive attacks, has good prospects in real-time transmission of audio signals in secrecy.