吴文藻留美五年回国后 ,倾毕生精力探索社会学中国化道路 :首倡理论必须和实际相结合 ,才能使社会学中国化 ;他主张以培养“突出人才”为要 ,培养出一批中国社会学巨子 ,彻底实现社会学中国化 ;运用西方社会学原理及其传播方式 ,分析、研究中国社会的具体情况 ,开创了社会学中国化的理论方法体系 ,从而成为社会学中国化的奠基人之一。其理论和实践 ,对中国社会学的发展产生了重大而深远的影响
After returning to the United States for five years to study in the United States, Wu Wenchu devoted her life and energy to exploring the road to the sinicization of Chinese sociology: the theory of first advocacy must be integrated with reality in order to make Chinese sociology sociable. He advocated cultivating “outstanding talents” and cultivating a group of sociological societies Using the principles of Western sociology and its methods of communication, we analyze and study the specific conditions of Chinese society and create a theoretical method system for the sinicization of sociology, so as to become one of the founders of the sinicization of sociology . Its theory and practice have had a significant and far-reaching impact on the development of Chinese sociology