目的分析30 641例新生儿的听力筛查结果,了解厦门市先天性听力损失的发病情况。方法采用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)对2010年1月-2012年12月出生于厦门市妇幼保健院的30 641例新生儿进行听力筛查。对于听力筛查未通过者,42天行复筛;复筛仍未通过者3.5个月行再次复筛。第二次复筛仍未通过者于半岁前行ABR、ASSR、声导抗等全面听力学评估及跟踪随访。结果接受听力筛查的30 641例新生儿中,初筛通过26 431例(86.26%)、未通过4210例(13.74%);42天复筛未通过553例(1.81%);3.5月龄第二次复筛未通过220例(0.70%)。2010-2012年筛查的新生儿中,最终确诊不同程度听力损失(包括单侧耳聋)的共有127例,发病率为0.41%。结论新生儿听力筛查、诊断和干预是一个系统工程,可早发现、早干预。重点随访高危儿、定期追踪、有效的管理可提高复筛率与干预率。
Objective To analyze the hearing screening results of 30 641 newborns to find out the incidence of congenital hearing loss in Xiamen. Methods Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) were used to screen 30 641 newborns born in Xiamen MCH from January 2010 to December 2012. For hearing screening did not pass, 42 days line re-screening; re-screening has not yet passed through the 3.5-month line re-screening. The second re-screening failed to pass before the age of six ABR, ASSR, acoustic guidance and other comprehensive audiology assessment and follow-up. Results Of the 30 641 newborns who underwent hearing screening, 26 431 (86.26%) failed to pass the screening, 4210 (13.74%) failed to pass the screening, 553 (1.81%) failed to pass the 42-day screening, and The second re-screening did not pass 220 cases (0.70%). Among the newborns screened from 2010 to 2012, a total of 127 cases of hearing loss (including unilateral deafness) were finally diagnosed with a prevalence of 0.41%. Conclusion Newborn hearing screening, diagnosis and intervention are a systematic project that can be early detected and early intervention. Focus on high-risk children follow-up, regular follow-up, effective management can improve the rate of screening and intervention rate.