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古人常用“吹气如兰”来形容女子气息如兰花散发淡淡芳香。在人类还处于原始阶段时,最灵敏的感知来自于鼻子,来自于嗅觉,这是一种本能。即使在视觉上升为最重要的感官功能后,仍有些异类还在靠鼻子去体验这个世界。关于女人体香,一直以来都像是一个让人晕眩的谜。而最疯狂的故事出自意大利作家帕特里克·聚斯金德的畅销小说《香水》。一位天生对气味无限敏感的青年男子,为少女体香而癫狂。为了收藏少女芬芳的气味,制造世界上最美妙的香水。他甚至谋杀了20多位年轻女子。而这种由年轻女性气 The ancients commonly used “Blowing such as blue ” to describe the feminine atmosphere such as orchids exudes a touch of fragrance. When humans are still in their primitive stages, the most sensitive perception comes from the nose, from the sense of smell, which is an instinct. Even after the visual ascension to the most important sensory function, there are still some alien species who still rely on the nose to experience the world. About the body fragrance of women, has always been like a dizzying mystery. The craziest story comes from the best-selling novel “Perfume” by the Italian writer Patrick Gaskin. A natural sense of boundless young man sensitive to the smell of incense and madness for girls. In order to collect the scent of girls, make the most wonderful perfume in the world. He even murdered more than 20 young women. And this by the young woman angry
“Who are we?Where are we from?”Humans have been pondering these questions since the day they first came into being.One of the ways we preserve memories of the
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9月26日,“首届湘商大会”正式在长沙举行,万名来自五湖四海的湘籍商界人士齐聚长沙,沉寂了20年的湘商正在酝酿湖湘文化的“第三次崛起”。 On September 26, the “First H
人们在喝酒之前喜欢先碰一下杯,这个习惯现在遍及全世界。它是什么时候产生的呢?一说是古希腊人创造的。传说古希腊人注意到这样一个事实,在喝酒 People like to touch the