环城游憩带的理论和实践蓬勃开展,环城游憩带是整合城乡旅游资源的重要载体和空间形式,是沟通城乡社会的桥梁和纽带,对城乡统筹和新型城镇化建设具有促进作用。为此,笔者以环城游憩带理论为依据,结合实际分析环城游憩理念、背景和供需形势,提出构建环城游憩带的设想,为乡村旅游发展提供新思路,找到新载体。一、环城游憩带是整合城乡旅游资源的新型空间载体环城游憩带(Recreation Belt Around
The theory and practice of recreational belt around the city flourish. Recreational belt around the city is an important carrier and spatial form for integrating tourism resources in urban and rural areas. It is a bridge and link between urban and rural areas and plays a catalytic role in the overall planning of urban and rural areas and new urbanization. For this reason, based on the theory of recreation zone around the city and combining with the actual analysis of the concept, background and supply and demand of recreation in the city, the author proposes the idea of building a recreation zone around the city, providing new ideas for the development of rural tourism and finding new carriers. I. Recreation Belt around the City is a New Space Carrier Integrating Urban and Rural Tourism Resources Recreation Belt Around