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   【关键词】 流行音乐;青少年;情感
  In adolescence, the behaviors and emotions are easily affected by surroundings. As a representative of the new things, pop music becomes more and more related with teenagers. The distinctive, strong characters of pop music have a great influence on the young generation. There exists a great need to analysis the phenomenon to make teenagers have a better and clear understanding of pop music and show the benefit of good side.
   With reasonable theoretical foundation and research methods, it is feasible and practical for me to do the research of influences of pop music on teenagers. I will analysis the paper from three aspects: firstly, I will focus on the reasons for the popularity of pop music, to illustrate the common feathers between pop music and teenagers. Secondly, I will focus on the details of influences of pop music from its positive and negative effects. To make it clear that there does exist good and bad sides by presenting real examples. Thirdly, effective measures should be taken to make good use of pop music which are available for teenagers to take. All these factors convince me of the feasibility of the research.
  1. Reasons for the popularity of pop music among teenagersPop music, as a fashion phenomenon appearing around us, has its own special figures to attract many young teenagers. At the same time, teenagers obviously like this new brand attraction. Dengxiangqun, Luhaili and Liuchang (2004) also suggested that we should pay more attention to the relationship between pop music and teenagers.
   1. 1 Features of pop music
   The key point that pop music is so popular is the popularity, its common reflection on people. Middleton, Richard (1990) mentioned that the ordinary spread of pop music, no matter in restaurants, café, or clubs or anywhere else, you can find it just right beside you. Pop music has become an entertainment among all ages including teenagers. Secondly, most pop music songs derive from daily life, close to the reality; they express the inner emotions of people as the reflection of their thoughts. This music is easy to understand, to learn, to remember and descend. Thirdly, pop music shows its strong infectivity, emphasizes the importance of communication and the interaction with listeners.
   1.2. Characteristics of teenagers
   It’s the nature of teenagers to be curious about the fancy world and this curiosity drives them to try every single new appearing that interests their attentions. What’s more, the updating and changeable pop music fits their pursuit for new things.
   2. The specific influences of pop music on teenagers
   As they are so closely related, it’s undoubted that pop music has specific influences on teenagers. And here, two main parts will be stated as followings:
   2.1. For positive effects.
   Firstly, pop music is often usually consisting of relatively short, simple songs with beats and melodies. As one of the biggest features of pop music, it’s relatively simple for teenagers to catch the rhythms, then to understand the lyrics, to remember, to learn, to pass on from one to another. Gradually, their music sensibility will be practiced and improved. And that’s the beginning of becoming a great musician.
   Secondly, we seek for the health and stable development of pop music, it can help us to find a peaceful corner in music as well as in our life. “The positive messages transmitted from pop music could help to form right choices of teenagers, to stimulate them to make wise decisions” (K, 1995, p629), no matter in the emotion or behavior control. On the influence of positive attitude, teenagers are encouraged to take right actions.
   Thirdly, teenagers are in a special period. They can be easily affected by their surrounding environment. As one of the closely related elements, pop music assists to develop their personalities. It leads to the good development of teenagers’ self-control, self-dependence.
   2.2 For negative effects.
   Firstly, most of the pop music songs tend to express romances, love rather than something more meaningful, more significant. However, as teenagers are during a special period—adolescence, they are relatively sentimental and frail. They used to see things amplificatory. Their emotions, feelings, thoughts are more changeable, which will cause the change of actions or behaviors. most of all, teenagers are misleading to narrow their focuses, the development of teenagers’ horizon will be limited.
   Secondly, violent scenes in MVs will have bad influences on teenagers, which brings out the violent tendency or teenagers will imitate these scenes and actions that occurred in MVs. Lyrics with unprintable, vile words, will have bad misleading on teenagers’ words choice and daily speech, they may have the habit of saying vile words without any further consideration. Misunderstandings or mistakes or accidents will happen because of these improper choices of words. Teenagers would be in more dangerous situation. In all, the affects on their speeches as well as behaviors are quite huge.
   3. Proper attitude to pop music
   We can’t make pop music just walk away, or disappear in teenagers’ world; however, we should take appropriate measures to make it in the right use.
   3.1 For parents
   They should set a good example, to make clear statements about the proper applications of pop music. When teenagers are at home, it’s their responsibility to make a health environment on music choosing and music habit.
   3.2 For teachers
   They should lead them to have a right attitude and use of pop music to stimulate their growing up wherever they are. Teachers should try to use proper pop music teaching approach to improve students’ study or personality.
   3.3 For students
   They should make wise choices on pop music, and take the advantage to help themselves develop. And at the same time, take good suggestions from teachers and parents provided.
   As a new appearing in recently couples of years, pop music occurs as the new fever. Teenagers, who share the same feature with it, are close-related and greatly influenced by it. The influences can be illustrated generally in two big aspects. For its positive part, pop music enriches their music sensibilities, guides their emotions, and forms the development of personalities, While restricting teenagers’ creativities and misleading their emotion and behaviors as negative effects.
   Many works have been talked about the influences of pop music on teenagers, and mostly, they focus on the music part, but in my paper, I pay my attention on the teenagers` part, from their inner characters, psychological development to analysis the influences. Because of the lack of data materials, more research can be done further,
   [1] Stambler, Irwin. (1989). Encyclopedia of pop, rock and soul. NY: St. Martin's Press.
   [2] Clarke, Donald. (1995). The Rise and Fall of Popular Music. NY: St Martin's Press.
   [3] Middleton, Richard. (1990). Studying Popular Music, Buckingham: Open University Press.
   [4] Roe, K. (1995). Adolescents’ use of socially disvalued media. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 617-631.
   [5] Chris Rojek.(2011).Pop Music, Pop Culture. NY: Blackwell.
   [6] 沈汝发,(2003), 流行音乐与青少年成长,《中国青年研究》,1:27-33。
随着教育改革的不断深入,人们的教育观念也在逐渐发生转变。教育不仅要传授知识,更要注重学生能力的培养。学生的自主学习能力是形成其他能力的基础。下面本人就小学阅读教学中突出学生的主体地位,培养学生自主学习能力的问题,谈几点体会。    一、努力营造良好的课堂氛围    在课堂教学中,营造一个宽松、和谐、民主、生动活泼的学习和思考问题的氛围很重要。教师为学生提供适宜其发展的条件和环境,这既是学生学习知识
关注学生学习与知识形成的过程,并不意味着教师的引导无足轻重,反而对教师的引导提出了更高的要求,需要教师把准切入口,通过精心预设,唤起学生主动探索的“精神需要”,激发学生“再创造”的动力,更好的促进学生建构知识,形成学习能力。    一、把握新旧知识的联结点引导学生探究,让知识自然生长    数学知识具有严密的逻辑性,课程内容的设置严格地遵循了这一规律。新知与某些旧知扣得很紧,把新旧知识进行联结,知
《孔子游春》记叙了孔子带领弟子们到泗水河畔游赏,巧借泗水对弟子们实施教育的故事,实际上这就是两千多年前孔子施教场景的真实再现。孔子上的课展示的是语文教育的原生态,与今活跃在语文教改前沿的那些特级教师们的课,有着惊人的相似和相通之处。那么,《孔子游春》蕴含着哪些值得我们关注的教育思想和教育理念呢?    一、语文即生活    据载,孔子很重视对弟子进行系统全面的教育,他亲自整理编辑了教材《六书》,但
《美国教学创意手册》指出:“倾听的能力包括理解教师口语表达的信息和能在头脑中将语言转换成意义两部分。”课堂倾听是一种含有听课技巧和听课艺术的积极高效的听课活动,听力和理解是它的基本要素。语文能力应首先把这种基本要素作为强调和培养的目标。教师授课时,不能满足于学生在课堂上表现出的“认真状”,要对授课内容和授课方式等进行大胆创意,引导学生最大程度的处于积极的倾听状态,以提高授课和听课效率。    一、
语言交流作为教育重要的方式,我们有理由赋予它们阳光和雨露的温暖和关怀,于是,我们把能够让教育充满温暖,让孩子的生命更加灿烂、灵动的语言,称之为“阳光语录”。在“阳光语录”活动的开展过程中,我们构思了四种类型:师生阳光语录、家校阳光语录、亲子阳光语录、伙伴阳光语录。实际上,这四种类型并不仅仅是一种平面化的对“阳光语录”的分类,而是真实地再现了我们研究的思路和思想的轨迹。    一、师生阳光语录活动的
班主任在工作中,要学会“放大”和“缩小”,正确看待学生成长过程中出现的种种问题,正确认识学生身上的优点与缺点,采用合理有效的方法加以积极引导,使自己摆正心态,走出困扰,在繁忙的工作中也能享受到忙碌后的欣慰与快乐。    一、“放大”学生的点滴进步,“缩小”表扬的标准    许多班主任老师谈起自己的学生来,总能列出他们身上各种各样的不足来,而优点往往会被缺点所掩盖。在对学生的缺点提出批评的同时,是否
爱是唤醒学生的心灵力量,是净化孩子的心灵妙药。在长期的班主任工作中,我带着一颗爱心去工作,做到心与心交流,拉近师生之间的距离,让学生在犯了错的时候更容易接受你的教育,并及时改正。我用“爱心”这把钥匙开启学生“心灵”的锁,改变了一大批学困生。    案例    去年九月,我刚接了一个班。班上有个看上去很沉默的男孩,平时几乎不与同学交流,我多次找他谈话,也没什么效果。有一次上课,我请他回答一个非常简单
中央电视台“新闻调查”栏目曾报道过这样一个故事:来自湖南的某“神童”,十三岁上大学,十七岁上中科院的硕博连读。这位少年“天才”,后来却肄业。原因是不恰当的家庭教育,使孩子丧失了独立生活能力,不能胜任学业。  从这位母亲身上我们看到的是无微不至的关心、不离不弃的关爱、全身心的呵护。但这位母亲所追求的“发展”则是被动的、扭曲的。她的“守护”最终成为孩子自由生长的桎梏,严重影响个体的成长。笔者认为,在教
[插曲一]课前,教师如此引导学生“举手发言”!    笔者曾到城区一中心小学借班上一节语文公开课。上课前,班主任说该班学生很调皮,上课不喜欢发言,新老师上课时更加随心所欲。为了能顺利地上好这节课,班主任就“举手发言”问题特意在课堂上对学生进行了指导:“如果有把握回答老师提出的问题,你就把右手举得高高的,甚至可以站起来;如果只是有点会,你就端正地坐在位置上,把右手轻轻地举起;如果你不会回答,你就干脆