
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erywwb
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如今的时代是人才的竞争时代。幼儿先天而来就携带着任性的特点,其身体和心理在0~7岁阶段飞速发展。生活中我们常常看到幼儿任性的表现。随着生理发育,幼儿接触的外部世界逐步多,有时他们会为实现自己的目的大哭大闹,这其实也可以说,幼儿的任性是幼儿主动发展的表现。家长们会认为这是幼儿太小,没有对幼儿的发展给予足够的重视,放任幼儿的任性行为,因此幼儿教育者对幼儿的任性行为要 Today’s era is the competitive era of talent. Children come from innate to carry the characteristics of self-willed, their physical and psychological rapid development in 0 to 7 years of age. In life, we often see timid young children’s performance. With the development of physiology, young children come into contact with the external world gradually more, and sometimes they will cry for the realization of their own goals. In fact, it can be said that young children’s self-willedness is an active manifestation of children’s development. Parents think this is too young children, did not give enough attention to the development of children, let the young children’s self-willed behavior, so preschool education of young children’s sexual behavior to
摘要构建本土资源理念在全球化与本土化发生冲突和激荡的今天,是思想政治教育领域在理论上和实际工作中所必须面对,而绝对无法逃避的重大课题。因为思想政治教育是影响、教化和引导人们思想、观念、和价值取向和行为,乃至影响一个国家和民族意识形态方面的主要阵地和重要实践活动。所以,构建思想政治教育现代化发展的本土资源理念是思想政治教育领域一个非常重要的任务。  关键词现代思想政治教育本土资源共存性原材料性动力性