1953年Saint提出慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)至今已30多年。目前认为CAH是一种自身免疫性疾病,故有人将此命名为慢性活动性“自身免疫性”肝炎。CAH与乙肝病毒关系密切,20%病例为慢性乙肝引起。CAH除引起各个系统自身免疫现象的损害外,可发展为肝硬化以至肝癌。有人认为HBsAg(+)的CAH为病毒所致,HBsAg(一)者则属于自身兔疫性CAH,亦有人认为HBsAg(一)者大多数为乙肝病毒引起。 CAH的发病机理尚未完全清楚。根据
1953 Saint made chronic active hepatitis (CAH) has been more than 30 years. CAH is currently considered an autoimmune disease, so it was named as chronic active “autoimmune” hepatitis. CAH and hepatitis B virus are closely related, 20% of cases caused by chronic hepatitis B. In addition to CAH caused by the phenomenon of various systems of autoimmune damage, can develop into cirrhosis and liver cancer. Some people think that the CAH of HBsAg (+) is caused by the virus, and HBsAg (one) belongs to its own self-inflating CAH. Some people think that the majority of HBsAg is caused by hepatitis B virus. The pathogenesis of CAH is not yet fully understood. according to