苏联国家统计委员会主席科罗廖夫最近在《统计通报》杂志上撰文,题为“苏联国家统计70年及其在新的经济管理条件下的任务”,内容摘要如下。 1918年7月25日,列宁签署了组建苏联国家统计系统的命令,到现在已经70年了。列宁曾经说过:“社会主义首先就是核算”,他认为统计是建设社会主义国家的必要条件之一。据此,苏联中央统计局从成立时起,就负起了领导国民经济各部门和整个社会的统计工作。
Korolev, chairman of the Soviet National Statistical Commission, recently wrote an article in the Journal of the Statistical Bulletin entitled “The task of the Soviet Union in the statistics of the 1970s and its conditions under the new economic management”, which is summarized as follows. On July 25, 1918, Lenin signed the order for the formation of a national statistical system of the Soviet Union, which has now lasted for 70 years. Lenin once said: “Socialism is accounting first,” he said. Statistics are one of the necessary conditions for building a socialist country. Accordingly, from the time of its establishment, the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Soviet Union assumed the task of leading the statistics of all branches of the national economy and the society as a whole.