墨西哥的许多美好,是只有自驾才能探索得其精彩的。旅途从墨西哥中南部的山区,恰帕斯(Chiapas)和瓦啥卡(Oaxaca)省开始。从高原上的小城到大陆尽头的海角,这一程沿途的目的地,才是我们在墨西哥选择自驾的最重要原因。从这里到墨西哥城(Ciudad de Mexico)距离遥远,坐大巴不算方便,飞机票也比较昂贵,只有自驾才是最灵活合适的交通方式。我们眼前的墨西哥,迅速褪去了旅游区的华丽外衣,现出了它原本的迷人
Many of Mexico’s beautiful, is only by car to explore its wonderful. The journey begins in the south-central, mountainous regions of Mexico, Chiapas and Oaxaca provinces. From the small town on the plateau to the end of the continent, the destination along this journey is the most important reason why we choose to drive in Mexico. From here to Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico) a long distance, take the bus is not convenient, air tickets are also more expensive, only by car is the most flexible and appropriate mode of transport. Mexico in front of us, quickly faded the gorgeous coat of tourist areas, showing its original charm