Seafloor Sediment Classification Based on Multibeam Sonar Data

来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwt74105
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The multibeam sonars can provide hydrographic quality depth data as well as hold the potential to provide calibrated measurements of the seafloor acoustic backscattering strength. There has been much interest in utilizing backscatters and images from multibeam sonar for seabed type identification and most results are obtained. This paper has presented a focused review of several main methods and recent developments of seafloor classification utilizing multibeam sonar data or/and images. These are including the power spectral analysis methods, the texture analysis, traditional Bayesian classification theory and the most active neural network approaches. The multibeam sonars can provide hydrographic quality depth data as well as hold the potential to provide calibrated measurements of the seafloor acoustic backscattering strength. There has been much interest in utilizing backscatters and images from multibeam sonar for seabed type identification and most results are obtained. paper has presented a focused review of several main methods and recent developments of seafloor classification utilizing multibeam sonar data or / and images. These are including the power spectral analysis methods, the texture analysis, the traditional Bayesian classification theory and the most active neural network approaches.
5月中旬,德国外经贸部负责电子产业的两位专家——Max Milbredt与Anja Birholz对韩国易诺仪器总部进行考察。此次考察目的是为共同发现在国际项目中的合作机会并扩展与易诺德
Nemen LED发光外套将光纤纤维集成编织在面料内以创建一个照明系统,通过两块可充电的电池提供长达8个小时的供电。外套外层由尼龙和钢丝材料构成,并使用聚氨酯透明薄膜技术进