
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wofucyou4444
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2004年安全生产活动月前夕,本刊记者专程访问了中共湖南省委副书记、省长周伯华。记者(以下简称记):周省长,近年来党中央、国务院对安全生产越来越重视,今年初国务院召开了全国安全生产工作会议,黄菊副总理亲自作报告,国务院还专门出台了《关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》,请您就安全生产工作谈谈看法。 On the eve of the Month of Safety Production in 2004, our reporter made a special trip to visit Zhou Bohua, deputy secretary and governor of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee. Reporter: Governor Zhou, Governor Zhou In recent years, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have paid increasing attention to safety production. At the beginning of this year, the State Council held a work conference on safety work in the country. Vice Premier Huang Ju personally made a report. The State Council also specially issued the “ To further strengthen the work safety decisions, ”please talk about the work safety.
Background Folate plays a critical role in nucleotide synthesis and DNA methylation,and was considered to be associated with anti-carcinogenesis.Results from st
Background It is well recognized that meteorological factors have important influences on the onset and development of many kinds of diseases.The present study