艺术家和摇滚乐手之间有什么区别.也许艺术家更加神经质一些.无所谓.摇滚乐手也可以神经质起来.只要这对他们有好处。作为美国新兴乐队Cartel.他们就开始了这么一趟神经质的旅程。从今年5月24日到6月1 2日之间的三个星期.他们在一个名为“幻想”的半透明房间内封闭式居住.并在其中录制自己的第二张录音室专辑.同时通过23小时不间断摄像.将自己的生活公布于网络之上。这项活动是由七喜公司旗下的饮料品牌Dr Pepper赞助.KFC以及MTV协办的一项颇为有趣的探索性尝试。对于Cartel来说.他们在两年前推出的新专辑《Chroma》让他们在乐坛崭露头角。这张混杂了朋克.Grunge以及流行元素的专辑.听上去还不错.起码对于一个新乐队来说.他们凭借这张很好听的.旋律流畅的专辑获得了很多歌迷的认可。
What is the difference between an artist and a rocker? Maybe the artist is more neurotic. It does not matter. Rockers can also be nervous, as long as it is good for them. As the new American band Cartel, they started such a nervous journey. For three weeks between May 24 and June 12 this year, they live in a translucent room called “Fantasy” and record their second studio album At the same time through 23 hours of non-stop video. Will be published in the network above their own lives. This event is sponsored by Dr Pepper, a beverage brand owned by HEDY Corporation, a rather interesting exploratory trial co-organized by KFC and MTV. For Cartel, the new album “Chroma” they launched two years ago put them in the limelight. This mix of punk .Grunge and popular elements of the album.Also sounds good.At least for a new band, they rely on this very nice melody smooth album won the approval of many fans.