目的:观察针刺治疗糖尿病的疗效.方法:对100例患者在适当饮食控制的基础上,电针脾俞、肾俞、肺俞、胃脘下俞、足三里、内关、三阴交、合谷和血海,并辨证加减.结果:治疗后患者空腹血糖值下降,与治疗前比有显著差异(P<0.05);症状明显者由治疗前的85%下降到治疗后的4%.结论:针刺能降低糖尿病患者空腹血糖,在改善临床症状方面亦有明显效果.,Purpose: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture treatment for diabetes. Method:Based upon proper diet, 100 cases of patients with diabetes were treated with Pishu (BL 20), Shenshu (BL 23), Feishu (BL 13), Weiwanxiashu (Extra), Zusanli (ST 36), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Hegu (LI 4), and Xuehai (SP 10) by electric acupuncture, with acupoints added or deducted upon syndrome differentiation.Results: Fasting blood sugar decreased in the patients after the treatments, with a significant difference (P<0.05) in comparison with before treatment. And the patients with obvious symptoms decreased from 85% before the treatment to 4% after the treatment. Conclusions: Acupuncture treatment can reduce fasting blood sugar in the patients with diabetes and is also remarkably effective in improving the clinical symptoms.