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童年的生活是五彩缤纷的,那一件件如烟的往事,如天上的繁星,如海上的浪花,数也数不清。1965年,我出生在商丘民权县城。当时,我父亲在民权县委工作,我们的家住在县委家属院,生活虽然清苦一些,但小孩们仍然是天真烂漫,无忧无虑的。春天,我跟着姐姐到河边去看河里成群结队嬉戏玩耍的鸭子;夏天,我们到地里去剜野菜,到树下摸蝉猴,到墙根捉土鳖;秋天,跟着大孩子们一起偷苹果;冬天,大大小小的孩子们都聚在一起打雪仗、堆雪人……剜野菜几乎是那个年代孩子们的必修课。小伙伴们一起置身于旷野之中,在地里欢笑大叫,这种开心,是“00后”们捧着iPad玩游戏所无法体会的。我们身背小竹篮,手拿小铲刀,眼光洒向四周的盐碱地,像寻找珍物一样,不时地弯下腰来采撷着野菜。我也猫着腰跟在他们屁股后面,小手不停地拔着那些不知名的小草,等两手满满时就跑向姐姐,姐姐看了看我手里乱七八糟的东西,总是一根野菜也没有,就让我扔掉,我却觉得怪可惜的。姐 Childhood is colorful life, that piece of smoke of the past, such as the stars in the sky, such as the waves at sea, countless. In 1965, I was born in Shangqiu civil rights county. At that time, my father worked in the civil rights county party committee. Our family lives in the family members of the county committee. Although the life is bitter, the children are still innocent and carefree. In the spring, I followed my sister to the river to see the crowds of playing and playing ducks in the river. In summer, we went to the ground to go wild vegetables and touched the cicadas under the trees to pick the earth-crabs in the roots. In autumn, with the older children Stealing apples; winter, children of all sizes gathered together snowball fight, snowmen ... 剜 wild vegetables is almost a compulsory course for children of that era. Small friends together in the wilderness among the laughter in the field, this happy, “00 ” are holding the iPad to play the game can not understand. We are carrying bamboo baskets, holding a small blade in our hands and looking out to the surrounding saline land, looking like treasures, bending over from time to time to pick wild plants. I also cat waist with the back of their ass, small hands keep pulling those unknown grass, full hands and ran to sister, his sister looked at my hands a mess of things, always a wild vegetable No, let me throw away, but I think it is a pity. sister
我的老家在农村,门前有一株老枣树,是爷爷亲手栽下的。经历了几十年的风风雨雨,树干斑驳(bān bó),但枝繁叶茂。每当回去的时候,我喜欢独坐在老枣树下,风儿拂过,飒(sà)飒低
B Y建筑多用胶粘剂系中国科学院广州化学研究所参照国外同类粘合剂研制,由广州白云牯胶厂生产。它具有良好的粘合性能,施工简便,最适用于钢、铝窗玻璃的牯合,亦可作建筑物补
日本夏普公司和中国国际贸易促进委员会上海分会于85年4月1日至4月7日在沪举办“夏普综合技术展览会” Sharp Corporation and Shanghai Branch of China Council for the