【摘 要】
Calibrating a small field camera is a challenging task because the traditional target with visible feature points that fit the limited space is difficult and costly to manufacture. We demonstrate a novel combined target used in camera calibration. The tan
【出 处】
Calibrating a small field camera is a challenging task because the traditional target with visible feature points that fit the limited space is difficult and costly to manufacture. We demonstrate a novel combined target used in camera calibration. The tangent points supplied by one circle located at the center of a square are used as invisible features, and the perspective projection invariance is proved. Both visible and invisible features extracted by the proposed feature extraction algorithm are used to solve the calibration. The target supplies a sufficient number of feature points to satisfy the requirements of calibration within a limited space. Experiments show that the approach can achieve high robustness and considerable accuracy. This approach has potential for computer vision applications particularly in small fields of view.
Compared with end pumping fiber combiner, one of the advantages for side pumping combiner is the unlimited pumping points, which means multi-point or cascaded side pumping can be realized. However, the loss mechanism of the cascaded structure is rarely di
高功率激光与等离子体相互作用(LPI)产生的超热电子能谱与空间分布是激光惯性约束聚变(ICF)中评估预热增熵、优化靶参数设计的关键依据,因此是研究上的重要内容。基于神光Ⅱ激光装置,研究了不同条件的激光与碳氢平面靶作用产生超热电子的能谱与空间分布。实验结果表明,超热电子能谱符合麦克斯韦分布,拟合温度处于30~65 keV范围,靶前方向得到的超热电子温度和强度均高于靶后方向。在靶后方向探测到的超热电子空间分布近似高斯分布,峰值方向在靶背法线方向。靶前散射光谱上有较强的对流受激拉曼散射(SRS)信号及具有双峰分
In this work, two process-variation-tolerant schemes for a current-mode sense amplifier (CSA) of RRAM were proposed: (1) hybrid read reference generator (HRRG) that tracks process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations and solve the nonlinear issue of the R
采用分析纯原料,利用分相成核技术,制备了透明性良好的掺Cr3 B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2系透明玻璃陶瓷;测定了材料的吸收光谱和发射光谱,分析讨论了光谱特性。
利用马赫-曾德尔干涉仪研究了磁场对铁磁性金属局部腐蚀过程的影响。结合传统电化学方法和动电位极化测量研究了纯铁电极在0.1 mol/L氯化钠溶液中局部腐蚀的情况,先利用CCD采集电极/溶液界面处干涉条纹视频图像,随后采用傅里叶变换和自适应带通滤波器分析干涉条纹,最后通过干涉条纹动态相位重建再现电极/溶液界面局部腐蚀动态过程。结果表明,没加磁场时,电极/溶液界面的中间区域会先出现局部溶解现象,但随着电位的增大,电极/溶液界面局部腐蚀程度加深,最后整个电极/溶液界面达到活化溶解。在外加磁场条件下,电极表面的腐蚀
A new cross-tracking method is proposed to improve the convergent speed of the control algorithm in real-time polarization mode dispersion (PMD) compensation systems. The cross-tracking algorithm is compared with the previously used dithering particle swa