怡亚通:打造平台 聚合成长

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联盟广大正处于碎片化生存的企业,创新观念,整合资源,共谋大业中国为什么一直欠缺世界级的伟大企业?不是我们的产品与世界对接不够,而是我们没有世界级的伟大商业平台!在中国产业链的相关环节,总是存在大量的碎片企业。打造一个聚合平台,让众多中小企业整合起 The vast majority of the Union are in fragmentation of the survival of enterprises, innovative ideas, integration of resources, seek common cause Why China has always been a lack of world-class great company? Not our docking with the world is not enough, but we do not have a world-class great commercial platform! China’s industrial chain related links, there are always a large number of debris enterprises. To create a polymerization platform for many SMEs together