保罗·杜卡(Paul Dukas)是法国作曲家、音乐评论家、音乐教育家。他于1865年5月1日生于巴黎,1935年5月17日在巴黎逝世。1882—1888年在巴黎音乐学院学习,从玛蒂亚斯学钢琴,从吉罗学作曲,毕业作品(大合唱)获罗马奖第二名。早期作品《波利耶克特》序曲、C 大调交响曲即引人注目。1897年发表的交响谐谑曲《小巫师》(或译《魔法师的弟子》,以诗人歌德的同名叙事诗为题材)奠定了他在乐坛的名声。他的主要作品还有:以比利时剧作家梅特林克的剧作为脚本的三幕歌剧《阿丽安与蓝胡子》(1907年首演于巴黎),二幕芭蕾舞剧《仙女》(作于1910
Paul Dukas is a French composer, music critic and music educator. He was born in Paris on May 1, 1865, and died in Paris on May 17, 1935. Studied at the Conservatoire de Paris in 1882-1888, studied the piano from Mathias, won the Roman Prize from the composition and composition of the Guitaro (chorus). The early work “Pollyettek” prelude, the symphony in C major is compelling. His symphonic Scherzo “Little Witcher” (or “Magister’s Disciple” translated in 1897 by the poet Goethe’s narrative poem as the subject) laid down his reputation in the music scene. His main works are: Alian and Blue Beard (first premiered in Paris in 1907), the ballerina “The Fairy” (made on the basis of the play by the Belgian playwright Matilda Hinterback) 1910