人们的听觉除了对声音的强度、音调和音色的感觉外,还有一种空间印象的感觉,即对声源的方向和距离作出判断的“立体感”。单声道放音系统只有一组扬声器,声音都来自一个点,而使用两个或两个以上声道,聆听者能够重新获得原声源所发出声音的空间分布印象,即立体感。立体声组合音响可使你获得美妙的立体声效果,但还应注意以下事项。 1.导线应选用线径较粗的多股胶线由于扬声器的直流阻抗较低,要将放大器的信号
In addition to the sense of sound intensity, tone and timbre, people’s sense of hearing also has the feeling of spatial impression, that is, the “three-dimensional sense” of judging the direction and distance of the sound source. Monaural playback systems have only one set of speakers and sound comes from a single point. Using two or more channels, the listener regains the spatial impression of the sound emitted by the source, or stereo. Stereo mixing sound can make you get a wonderful stereo effect, but also pay attention to the following. 1. Wire should be used thick multi-strand wire diameter due to the speaker’s low DC impedance, the amplifier signal